Notifier API Tester
GET Email test
Use this to send notifications over GET. Not super secure, but helpful using Airtable Automations, etc. Make sure to send a valid "secret". The demo secret here is "conan_rocks"
[GET] /utility/api/notify?title=Testing%20GET%20endpoint%20for%20{{name}}&targetEmail=banana@phage.directory,&secret=conan_rocks&templateText=Hello%20{{name}},%20this%20is%20a%20GET%20test.%20Data:{{name}}%20{{json}}&data={name:%22Jan%22,%20email:%22testemail@phage.directory%22}
POST Email Object Query
POST with data to the Email endpoint. Use `dictMap` to remap from data to the template, e.g. 'firstName' > 'name'. This is meant as a simple server > server demo, so the secret is sent in the JSON instead of as a header.
[POST] /utility/api/notify